Provider of Divorce Financial Planning Nationwide; Mediation in MD, PA, and DC 410.205.1045

Achieve an optimal divorce outcome



TruNorth Divorce Solutions provides individuals, couples, mediators, and attorneys with financial expertise during divorce. With advanced training in all financial aspects of divorce including pension valuation, marital vs. separate property, and tax optimization of settlements, we can help craft creative settlement solutions that make financial sense for both parties. Get divorce financial expertise on division of assets and support determination when you need it most.

TruNorth Divorce Helps You Make Sound Financial Decisions

The decisions you make during your divorce will affect the rest of your life. Just as important to know is that those same decisions are difficult, if not impossible to change without additional legal expense and court involvement.

But how do you know whether your divorce settlement will lead towards financial freedom or financial ruin down the road? In the face of divorce it’s crucial that you get the right information so that you can make sound financial – not emotional – decisions.

  • What if child support doesn’t cover all of your child’s expenses?
  • What are the health care benefit options for you and your children?
  • Are you getting the assets you need for your unique circumstances?
  • Are you sure you can afford to keep the house?
  • Do you understand the tax implications of dividing retirement accounts?
  • Do you know that there might be creative settlement options that you may not have considered?

TruNorth Divorce will show you how to avoid some of the most common financial mistakes people make during the divorce process – as well as show you the sources of money that may be available to you as a result of your divorce.

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